Bay Area Barns & Trails


Bay Area Barns & Trails Inducted into Western States Horse Expo Hall of Fame

Established in 2002, the Western States Horse Expo Hall of Fame Award recognizes and honors those individuals and organizations who have made substantial contributions and long term impact in the Equestrian Industry and Community in the United States. The Hall of Fame Award is very exclusive and is not awarded every year.

This year, the Hall of Fame Committee felt compelled to award this honor to an organization that has, since 1999, done so much for the equestrian community. This organization, through their highly respected Grant Programs, has promoted and funded numerous trail and construction projects in many communities here in California. This organization has researched, promoted and funded opportunities for stable acquisitions and restoration and has supported habitat restoration projects through coordinated volunteer projects. This organization has matched funds for equestrian facility restorations and renovations which has included roofing, arenas, water systems, drainage systems and more.

Through their educational and research programs this organization has created educational opportunities that promoted trail safety and equestrian awareness for anyone enjoying the outdoors, crafted land management educational programs, conservation programs and public health awareness programs just to name a few.

It is with sincere gratitude for all this organization as done, that the Western States Horse Expo proudly presents BAY AREA BARNS AND TRAILS, the 2018 Western State Horse Expo Hall of Fame Award.