Be a Part of the Expo

Ride in a Clinic

Ride with Your Favorite Trainer or Clinician!

If you have ever wanted the chance to ride with the world’s best trainers & clinicians, look no further than the Western States Horse Expo!

Many of our clinicians will be accepting horses and riders for their sessions and you could be one of them. Enclosed you will find a list of all the clinic sessions where riders and/or horses are requested. Send your completed application and we will forward it to the respected clinician for final evaluation. Once selections have been made, applicants will be notified via email before the event. Applications who are not selected will be notified via email by May 1st, 2025.

Please ensure that your application is filled out completely and sent in with a written description and a recent photo & video of you riding your horse. The application should be submitted to the following address no later than April 30, 2025:
Western States Horse Expo
7200 Lone Pine Drive, Rancho Murieta, CA 95683
Email: | Fax: (916) 404-0395

Applications available soon

Clinic Rider Opportunities

Friday, June 7th AM: Releasing Tension in Key Junctions That Most Affect Performance

Description: In this clinic, Jim Masterson will explain the key junctions of a horse’s anatomy that most affect performance. He will demonstrate simple, effective bodywork techniques that the horse owner can use to release tension in these junctions, resulting in improved performance, communication, and relationship with the horse.

Friday, June 7th AM: Reading the Horse’s Body Language: Is my horse uncomfortable, and if so, where?

Description: In this presentation, Jim Masterson will demonstrate simple, effective bodywork techniques that owners can use to bypass survival instincts that the horse uses to cover up pain and discomfort. He will show how to read subtle signs in the horse’s body language that reveal where in the body the horse might be holding tension, and how to release it.

Horse Requirements: 2-4 horses with mystery issues or lamenessmeaning they are off or not quite sound and have been examined by a vet but have not been diagnosed with anything.

Saturday, June 8th AM: Equine Bodywork and Behavioral or Training Issues

Description: In this practical clinic Jim will talk about what signs to look for that there may be a physiological component to a training issue, and will demonstrate simple, effective techniques that you can use to help the horse release physical tension that may be affecting training.

Horse Requirements: 2- 4 horses that are in work or training, depending on the size of the arena. Horses that have just come from another event and are hot and sweaty don’t work well for this clinic.

Saturday, June 8th PM: Equine Bodywork and Mystery Lameness Issues

Description: On Saturday afternoon Jim and his assistants will demonstrate and teach owners Beyond Horse Massage Front End Techniques on their horses. Sunday afternoon, Jim and assistants will demonstrate and teach the same owners Beyond Horse Massage Hind End Techniques on the same horses.

Horse Requirements: 2-4 horses with mystery issues or lamenessmeaning they are off or not quite sound and have been examined by a vet but have not been diagnosed with anything.

Sunday, June 9th AM: Light to the Core – Connecting with Your Horse

Description: In this clinic Jim Masterson explains how to use levels of touch that bypass the horse’s survival-fight-flight (sympathetic) nervous system and access that part of the nervous system that relaxes and releases tension (parasympathetic). The result is improved comfort, movement, and performance, and new levels of trust and relationship between horse and human.

Horse Requirements: 2- 4 horses that are in work or training, depending on the size of the arena. Horses that have just come from another event and are hot and sweaty don’t work well for this clinic.

Sunday, June 9th PM: Connecting with your Horse with MM

Description: In this session, Jim will talk about the connection that is built when the horse realizes you are listening to him, the bond that is created, and several of the best techniques to use to get started building this bond through the use of the Masterson Method.

Horse Requirements: Best are horses in a work or training program.

Note: It is best if the horses have not been working just before the clinic and don’t arrive hot and sweaty. Jim would be happy to coordinate with the horse organizer to give spectators the best possible experience. Please do NOT to lunge horses before the demo.

Friday, June 7th: Saddle Fit for the Western Rider

Horse Requirements: 1-2 western-type horses who are quiet and will tolerate Jochen using washable chalk to map out how he would fit a saddle to the horse.

Saturday, June 8th: The Myths of Saddle Fit

Horse Requirements: 1-2 horses of any breed who are quiet and will tolerate Jochen using washable chalk to map out how he would fit a saddle to the horse.

Friday, June 7th: Ranch Riding Fundamentals

Description: In this clinic, Ryan will cover all the tools and communication needed to be successful in Ranch Riding.

Saturday, June 8th: Ranch Riding – It’s all about the Pro Steps

Description: How to have seamless transitions between maneuvers

Sunday, June 9th: Ranch Riding – You’ve Got to Have Power Steering

Description: How to have a horse that is easily guidable with the slightest cue

Friday, June 7th: Intro to La Garrocha and speaking softly in the saddle.

Description A clinic favorite! You will learn how to introduce your horse to the art of  La Garrocha. La Garrocha helps you recognize how to use your seat, leg, and rein. Striving for soft, quiet, and balanced communication, this art form can help us develop the true essence of the felt sense with our horse.

Saturday, June 8th: Overcoming fear and building trust.

Description: Helping a horse overcome their fear and begin to trust, first requires 2 primary elements. An understanding of the horses Nervous System and a practice of awareness of our own. We will demonstrate how the nervous system works, recognizing the subtle changes in the horse and how to build the tools for horse and human in a positive way before we need them.

Sunday, June 9th: The power of the breath in horsemanship.

Description Our greatest tool in horsemanship is within us. The power of the breath can help us accomplish every task from the most beautiful transitions to defusing escalated situations with our horse. It brings with it a new level of relationship. Come watch and see how this method when applied to teaching a horse to come to the mounting block and how when used for upward and downward transitions from in the saddle can change your horse’s whole perception of you.

Friday, June 7th: Creating Crystal Clear Communication With Your Horse

 Description: Learn how to keep things simple with your horse and help set both the rider and horse up for success.

Horse Requirements: 1 Horse (Any breed, must be broke to ride (2 y/o +), owner feels like they aren’t getting through to their horse when handling or riding)

Friday, June 7th: Gaited Work: Getting A Balanced Gait

 Description: Lacking consistency in your gaited horse? Learn the tips, tricks, and drills that will help you get a balanced and even gait from your horse.

Horse Requirements: 1 Horse (Any gaited breed that is having an issue with consistency and staying in gait, must be broke to ride (2 y/o +)

Saturday, June 8th: 12 Steps To Fix Any Horse Problem

Description: Learn how to follow our pass/fail grade level system to work through any problem and find red-flags that need fixing with your horse.

Horse Requirements: 1 Horse (Any breed, must be broke to ride (2 y/o +), owner feels like their horse has a problem they can’t control – has to be something the owner is still able to ride so we don’t have a super problematic horse since we are only working it once)

Saturday, June 8th: Gaited Work: From Pace To Gait & From Trot To Gait

Description: Have a gaited horse that trots or paces? Learn the skills and drills that will help you engage your horse out of trot/pace and into the smooth gait you desire!

Horse Requirements: 1 Horse (Any gaited breed that is having an issue with TROTTING/PACING (one of each), must be broke to ride (2 y/o +)

Sunday, June 9th: How To Become A Better Leader And Gain Respect From Your Horse

Description: Learn how to gain respect and build a foundation with your horse for a lifelong partnership.

Horse Requirements: 1 Horse (Any breed, must be broke to ride (2 y/o +), owner feels like they don’t have respect from their horse when handling or riding)

Sunday, June 9th: Gaited Work: Cantering For Gaited Horses

Description: Gaited horses can do it all and not have it mess up their gait! Learn how to train the difference between gait work and trot/canter work in your gaited horse.

Horse Requirements: 1 Horse (Any gaited breed, must be broke to ride (2 y/o +)

Friday, June 7th: Establishing Clarity in the Basic Aids, for the Horse’s Sake

Description: Most of us aren’t as clear with our aids as we think we are. A session that’s all about leg aids (differentiating between forward walk aid and trot, leg-on leg-off sequence for better responses, letting the horse carry you) and the following hand (truly following the horse’s mouth so that we can eventually have a conversation there).

Saturday, June 8th: Gymnastic Exercises for Improving Strength and Balance

Description: Using rails, raised rails, and cavaletti, this clinic will introduce exercises to improve both horse and rider strength and balance. Suitable for dressage and jumping riders.

Sunday, June 9th: Rideability and Adjustability

Description: The basics of jumping any course well are obtained by improving rideability and adjustability in your horse. This clinic will focus on exercises that work on changing the length of the stride, finding the correct lines to fences, and horse-rider communication between jumping efforts.

Friday, June 7th: Equitation Over Fences & Flat

Description: Work on your position while mounted and showing yourself the best on the flat and over fences.

Friday, June 7th: Hunter over fences and under saddle

Description: Turn out, showing your hunters, strengths, riding the best track for horse and rider combinations

Saturday, June 8th: Equitation Over Fences & Flat

Description: Work on your position while mounted and showing yourself the best on the flat and over fences.

Saturday, June 8th: Hunter over fences and under saddle

Description: Turn out, showing your hunters, strengths, riding the best track for horse and rider combinations

Sunday, June 9th: Equitation Over Fences & Flat

Description: Work on your position while mounted and showing yourself the best on the flat and over fences.

Sunday, June 9th: Hunter over fences and under saddle

Description: Turn out, showing your hunters, strengths, riding the best track for horse and rider combinations

Friday, June 7th: STRAIGHT LINE. Achieve Straightness and Balance

Description: Striving for excellence begins with cultivating straightness and balance in your horse’s movements. This fundamental principal hinges on equal use of the left and right sides. You help your horse develop a harmonious gait by guiding your horse through exercises emphasizing symmetry.

Saturday, June 8th: HALF CIRCLE. Unveil Strengths and Weaknesses

Description Building on the previous day, the half-circle trot and canter in both directions expose the horse’s strengths and weaknesses, offering insights into their physical condition and training needs. This knowledge is helping you to tailor training, diligently addressing areas that require refinement. This holistic understanding becomes the compass guiding your training journey.

Sunday, June 9th: The Elegance of the S Curve

Description Mastery of the S curve engages your horse’s ribcage while shifting between left and right directions. This dynamic exercise encourages the gradual progression of skill, where your horse learns to step up their performance through subtle shifts in weight distribution. The S curve exemplifies the art of equestrian finesse, reflecting the harmonious partnership between rider and horse.

Dressage judge – ride your test to get the judge’s opinion. After the test, work with the judge to improve some of your movements.


  • Training Test 3
  • 1st Level Test 3
  • 4th Test 3
  • Prix St Georges


  • 2nd Level Test 3
  • 3rd Level Test 3
  • I1
  • I2
  • Grand Prix

Friday, June 7th: Exercises for Changing Leads

Description: What your horse needs to be able to do before trying them. How to set your horse up for success with a simple exercise

Saturday, June 8th: Boxing and Box-Drive-Box Fundamentals

Description: Basic principles for controlling cow and scoring well in boxing and box-drive

Sunday, June 9th: Developing Slides and Spins

Description: Some exercises to develop award-winning slides and spins

Friday, June 7th: Horsemanship Through Stockmanship Part 1

Saturday, June 8th: Horsemanship Through Stockmanship Part 2

Description: Learning the principles of low-stress stockmanship brings purpose to the communication, refinement & working partnerships between horse & rider in a fun environment.

Friday, June 7th: Creating a bold and confident horse using Trail Obstacles

Description: How to introduce the horse to trail obstacles in a manner that builds boldness and confidence. How to break down each obstacle to ensure success for the horse

Friday, June 7th: Mastering trail obstacles in a safe manner

 Description: Steps to ensure success on the balance beam, swinging bridge, and other trail obstacles

Saturday, June 8th: Creating a bold and confident horse using Trail Obstacles

Description: How to introduce the horse to trail obstacles in a manner that builds boldness and confidence. How to break down each obstacle to ensure success for the horse

Saturday, June 8th: Mastering Trail Obstacles in a Safe Manner

Description: Steps to ensure success on the balance beam, swinging bridge, and other trail obstacles

Sunday, June 9th: How to Improve Your Mountain Trail Obstacle Scores in a show

Description: Breaking down the rules for entry, navigating the body of the obstacle, and exiting the obstacle

Sunday, June 9th: Mastering the 180 on the Obstacles

Description: Introducing the 180 first in-hand and then riding the 180 on various obstacles

Friday, June 7th: Relaxation and Relationship Description: Karen will show a powerful concept & exercise to do on the ground, that will improve both your level or relaxation and your relationship with your horse. This exercise is highly transformative even though it often looks quite non-dramatic when doing it. This ground- work exercise is a must-have for equestrians and horses of every level. Rider & Horse Requirements: 2 horses. The entire session is on the ground (no riding). Looking for horses that have tension. This tension could be emotional and/or physical (tight, bracey, high-headed, etc.) They should be horses who have at least foundational training (no unhandled horses) but are tense. Please come in with a halter, lead, and longer line. Karen will demonstrate with each horse, and/or will teach the person.
Friday, June 7th: Sharing The Movement: How to develop more harmony when riding Description: Karen will help riders find more harmony by improving their ability to lead and follow their horses. This is for riders of all levels who want to improve the level of trust, communication, and harmony they have with their horses when riding. Rider & Horse Requirements: Looking for 4 riders from novice to advanced who have a desire to improve their communication and harmony. Horses must be comfortable in a group and without major behavioral issues. Non-gaited horses, please. English, western, bareback, bitless, or with bit are welcome.
Saturday, June 8th: “The Grid” An Exercise For Awareness, Focus, Communication, & Balance Description: “The Grid” is an exercise that has huge benefits for horses and riders of ANY level. This is also a great exercise to help you navigate crowded warm-up arenas. Rider & Horse Requirements: 8 riders interested in a fun and challenging exercise to increase their awareness, communication, focus, and balance. Training Level to FEI Level dressage, or novice to advance in other non-gaited disciplines. Horses must be comfortable with other horses.
Saturday, June 8th: All About Contact: Creating A Positive Connection With The Reins Description: Stop ‘putting your horse on the bit’ and start building a positive connection. Learn how to avoid and solve problems in the contact by looking at the whole horse and rider dynamic. Learn the purpose of the reins and how to create the posture you are looking for without forcing a frame. Rider & Horse Requirements: Three Riders Horses and riders should be confident at Training Level (Working Gaits at walk, trot, canter) or higher and interested in improving their contact/connection with the reins. Horses should be ridden in a snaffle or non-leveraged bitless bridle.
Sunday, June 9th: Get to the YES! Build Your Confidence In Dressage Description: Karen will show you how to be more confident when improving your horse’s way of going, and schooling the basics of dressage. This is perfect for anyone who rides alone or without a local trainer who wants to feel more empowered in their riding. Rider & Horse Requirements: Looking for 3 riders who are schooling the lower levels of dressage but don’t feel confident, OR riders who want to learn how to improve their horse’s way of going but feel intimidated to take dressage lessons, OR riders who feel dependent on or lost without their instructors helping them. Must be willing to talk, answer questions, and have fun during the demo.
Sunday, June 9th: Lateral Work: Riding Shoulder In and Haunches in with Relaxation, Balance, and Ease. Description: Learn a way to do lateral work with more relaxation, balance, and ease. Karen will simplify how to begin riding shoulder-in and haunches-in and will show how to progress this concept to be valuable for advanced horses too. This is great if you are just learning lateral work, or are already doing it and want more tools to improve it. Rider & Horse Requirements: Four Horse/Riders who are already doing lateral work. 2 can be just learning (prefer if the riders already understand what shoulder in and haunches in are) and 2 can be more competent. Great for people who feel they are unbalanced, contorted, or require too strong aids during lateral work.

Friday, June 7th: Reading Cattle for Cattle Classes

Saturday, June 8th: Exercises in the Saddle to Develop Connection for Any Discipline

Sunday, June 9th: Ten Flag Work Exercises to Develop Cow Skills for Horse & Rider

Three-day clinic. This is one clinic that does have a fee of $100 for participation. Please sign up for this using this link

Friday, June 7th: Morning – ground shooting.

Late morning – Familiarizing horses with archery equipment and shooting Afternoon – ride and shoot at a walk.

Saturday, June 8th: Morning – review of ground shooting techniques

Mid-morning – riding and shooting adding different targets & riding positions. Afternoon – riding and shooting at the trot & canter. Maybe a small jump or two for those who are more experienced riders.

Sunday, June 9th: Mini competition

Rider & Horse Requirements: You should be riding at a canter on a loose rein.

Friday, June 7th
Thrill of the Drill Clinic

Saturday, June 8th
Thrill of the Drill Clinic

Have you ever considered riding on a drill team?
Do you know that DRILL is one of the few equestrian TEAM disciplines, and do you know that drill is open to almost all horses and riders? Open to riders and their horses that have 0 drill experience.  If you can control your horse at a walk, jog, and possibly a lope and your horse behaves well in close quarters, COME JOIN US!   It’ll be a safe and welcoming environment.

Clinic Information

  1. Clinics are designed to cater to a broad spectrum of equestrians attending our event. Selections are made based on each clinician’s unique needs to successfully demonstrate their specific topic to the audience. Some are looking for horses/riders with specific skills while others will work with any rider interested in improving their skills and relationships with their horses. Please do not hesitate to apply because you think you might not be selected- you might be exactly what our clinician is looking for!
  2. Stalls are available through the Murieta Equestrian The cost is $135 for the entire event (Thursday through Sunday) and includes 3 bags of shavings, two exhibitor badges, and one parking pass for the weekend.
  3. On-site RV & trailer hookups are available to anyone participating in a
  4. Our clinics are a unique opportunity to ride with the best in the industry and, in most cases, will be in front of a large crowd in a large arena. Warm-ups in the clinic areas are available 10 minutes before your ride time and there may be “spooky” distractions that you may not normally experience. Please be aware of this when applying in case you or your horse cannot function safely in this environment.
  5. All horses brought to the Western States Horse Expo must be in good health, and free of any illness or infectious disease. Upon arriving each horse owner/trainer is required to present current shot records for all horses participating (within 1 year). For horses being transported from out of state, a negative Coggins must be provided within 30 days of the event (California State Law).
  6. To be eligible for any riding clinics, you MUST submit a recent video with your completed application. This video must show you & your horse either at a competition or schooling at home in an arena. This video will be used by Expo staff & the clinicians/trainers to evaluate you & your horse. All videos must be submitted as a link to a YouTube video or as a DVD. Videos should be no more than 5 minutes in length and should be marked with the rider’s name and/or horse’s name. Provided DVDs will not be returned.
  7. Only horses that are participating in the Expo may be brought to the event. Participating horses are expected to be safe & manageable in large crowds or around many horses. Any horse that is deemed by event staff to be unsafe will be asked to leave.
What are the Requirements to Participate? Do I Qualify?

Our Clinics cater to a broad range of equestrians from all over the horse industry. While some clinicians are seeking horses & riders with specific skills or problems, others enjoy the chance to work anyone who is interested in improving their relationships with their horses or honing their skills. Don’t be afraid to apply- we have many opportunities available for even the greenest of horses or riders. There are also many non-riding demonstrations, from body work and saddle fitting to nutritional seminars too!

Our only requirement? That you have a clean, well behaved horse and a professional turnout & attitude!

How Much Does It Cost?

Horse Expo clinic fees vary depending on the session length, who is teaching & what is being taught. Some clinicians book their own riders and charge a small fee others use our pool of riders and offer the opportunity to ride and learn at no additional cost outside of lodging and stalls.  You will also be asked to pay for a stall and keep your horse onsite at the Murieta Equestrian Center. Please refer to the Stall Order Form below for more details or don’t hesitate to call or email us with questions!

Do I Have to Commit to All Four Days? Can I Ride with Multiple Clinicians?

You can participate as much or as little as you like. If selected, Horse Expo staff will contact you with available sessions best suited to you & your horse based off the information and videos provided to us. There are also many non-riding demonstrations, from body work and saddle fitting to nutritional seminars to build your knowledge too!

How Do I Apply?

Just fill out the above forms completely and return them to the Horse Expo office via email, fax or mail. Please make sure that your application is completely filled out and sent in with a written description & video.


Western States Horse Expo Venue Map

Facility Grounds



Murieta Equestrian Center
7200 Lone Pine Drive,
Rancho Murieta, CA, 95683


Phone: (916) 985-7334
Fax: (916) 354-2638


From Stockton:

Head north on CA-99 towards Sacramento for 27 miles. Take Exit 281 for Dillard Rd and turn right on Dillard Rd. In 14 miles, turn right onto Jackson Rd/Hwy 16. At the stoplight, turn right onto Murieta Drive. Follow marked directions to access the public parking lot, located near the old race track behind Arenas 9 & 10. Access to this lot will be on the Murieta Drive side of Lone Pine Drive and will be clearly marked and manned.

From Sacramento:

From I-5 S/CA-99 S/CA-16 E, take Exit 518 to merge onto US-50 E. In 6.25 miles take Exit 9 onto Power Inn Rd towards CA-16 E/Howe Ave and keep left. Turn right onto Howe Ave/CA-16. Turn left onto Folsom Blvd/CA-16 then make a slight right onto Jackson Rd/CA-16. In 17 miles, turn right onto Murieta Drive at the stoplight. Follow marked directions to access the public parking lot, located near the old race track behind Arenas 9 & 10. Access to this lot will be on the Murieta Drive side of Lone Pine Drive and will be clearly marked and manned.

From Folsom:

From Hwy 50, take Exit 27 for Scott Rd/ E Bidwell St and head south on Scott Rd. At the 3 way stop, turn right onto White Rock Rd. At the 2nd stoplight for Prairie City Rd turn left, when you get to the roundabout take the 2nd right for Scotts Rd. Stay on Scott Rd for 7.9 miles then make a sharp left onto Latrobe Rd. Take the first right onto Stone House Rd until you reach Jackson Rd/Hwy 16. Turn left onto Jackson Rd and take the 1st right at the stoplight on Murieta Drive. Follow marked directions to access the public parking lot, located near the old race track behind Arenas 9 & 10. Access to this lot will be on the Murieta Drive side of Lone Pine Drive and will be clearly marked and manned.

From Plymouth:

Go southwest on CA- 49 towards Empire St and continue on CA- 49. In 2 miles, stay straight onto CA-16 for 13.65 miles. At the stoplight, turn left onto Murieta Dr. Follow marked directions to access the public parking lot, located near the old race track behind Arenas 9 & 10. Access to this lot will be on the Murieta Drive side of Lone Pine Drive and will be clearly marked and manned.

From Ione:

Go west on Main St/CA-124/CA-104 towards Buena Vista St. Take the first right onto Preston Ave/CA-124/CA-104 and continue on CA-104 (just past Buena Vista St). In 3.4 miles, make a slight right onto Michigan Bar Rd. In 9 miles, turn left onto Jackson Hwy/CA-16. At the stoplight, turn left onto Murieta Dr. Follow marked directions to access the public parking lot, located near the old race track behind Arenas 9 & 10. Access to this lot will be on the Murieta Drive side of Lone Pine Drive and will be clearly marked and manned.