Food Truck Festival

The 2021 Western States Horse Expo will feature food trucks for everyone’s tastes!
Kiger Mustang and Working Equitation Demos

The Kiger and Working Equitation Demos will be presented by Trainer and Champion rider Robin Bond and Champion Rider, licensed Judge and Technical Delegate Sue Watkins owner of Kigers de los Californios.
NCDC Combined Driving Recap

The 2019 Northern California Driving Club’s inaugural Combined Driving Event at the Western States Horse Expo was a tremendous success! We hosted teams of competitors from as far as Washington and Arizona to participate in a three day competition; a day of driven Dressage, a Marathon day of cross country tracks and negotiated obstacles and the final day of precision driving in Cones.
From Arabians to Kerry Bog Ponies…

The 2019 Western States Horse Expo was host to hundreds of unique, fun and even endangered breeds of equines in all sizes. Horse Expo has provided many associations, breeders and passionate horse owners the opportunity to put their best foot forward and showcase why they love their breed to thousands of attendees from all over the world.
Training Talk: Kozak Horsemanship

What is different about Russ Krachun Kozak Horsemanship?
The BAGMEN Provide Live Music at the Horse Expo on May 11th from 12pm – 2pm

The BAGMEN are singer-songwriters who’ve been entertaining audiences of all ages and types in the Northern California for the past four years. Also known as Bob Greene and Gary Michael Weinberg, The BAGMEN write and perform a wide array of genres, including folk, rock, blues, country, and rock.
Food Truck Festival

The 2019 Western States Horse Expo will feature food trucks for everyone’s tastes!
Cowboy Dressage Clinics

Interested in learning more about Cowboy Dressage and how to better your relationship with your horse, as well as your riding skills? This new and fun discipline is all about training and riding with a soft feel and kindness, benefitting both horse and rider mentally and physically.
R3C Adoption at Western States Horse Expo 2019

Sunday, May 12, 2019 at 8 AM – 5 PM. There will be 4 horses available for adoption: Diego, Yukon, Annie and Tiny Dancer. The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department along with the BLM Wild Horse Program created this program in 2014. The goal is to help both Wild Horses and inmates. Joe Misner was hired to help reach this goal. As of today the program has adopted out more than 80 wild horses.
WSHE NRHA Reining Boot Camp

The Reining Horse Foundation announces a national clinic series welcoming beginners and non pros. Learn from NRHA Professionals who volunteer their time to help you prepare for the show pen and connect with an NRHA Affiliate and other reiners in a fun, low-stress way. Have your maneuvers evaluated without the pressure of a show.